Good scientific practice and conflict management
“The conduct of science rests on basic principles valid in all countries and in all scientific disciplines. The first among these is honesty towards oneself and towards others. Honesty is both an ethical principle and the basis for the rules, the details of which differ by discipline, of professional conduct in science, i.e. of good scientific practice.”
– Memorandum of the German Research Foundation, DFG, 2013:13
The principles of good scientific practice are an important foundation for scientific research. A course on this topic is therefore mandatory for every doctoral researcher.
The Max Planck Society has established an ombudperson-system. At the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology there is an elected ombudperson, too.
Additionally, the Graduate Academy of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena offers ombudspersons.
The IMPRS coordination office is available for confidential consultation.