The PhD Program
The International Max Planck Research School for the Science of Human History (IMPRS-SHH) is a joint PhD program of the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology and Jena University (Friedrich Schiller University – FSU). Doctoral researchers have a primary affiliation with one of the research groups of the MPI-GEA or one of the participating research groups of FSU.
The IMPRS-SHH is decidedly focused on interdisciplinarity and emphasizes independent research carried out by the doctoral researchers. Its training program rests thereby on a largely flexible, yet structured curriculum which is based on three pillars of learning:
- The “Mentoring Program,” which supports the doctoral researchers’ research.
- The “Scientific Program,” which allows doctoral researchers to deepen their knowledge in their particular area of research, while on the other hand broadening the students’ horizons with regard to the research field of the Science of Human History.
- The “Transferable Skills Program,” which provides skills for a future career in academia and beyond – including training for presentations, applications for third-party funding and project management.
The study programs are certified on an equivalent basis to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), i.e. all doctoral researchers receive a certificate detailing their coursework and corresponding number of ECTS equivalents earned.
The language of the PhD program is English.