
The IMPRS for the Science of Human History provides doctoral researchers with a curriculum framework that can be tailored to their own needs, but some elements are mandatory for all doctoral researchers:

Mentoring Program

  1. the meetings with the Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) (annual)
  2. the weekly lab seminars (each semester)
  3. the weekly journal clubs (each semester)
  4. the monthly work in progress

Scientific Program

  1. introductory week
  2. the monthly distinguished lecture
  3. participation with presentation/poster at conferences

Transferable Skills Program: for career planning inside and outside academia, e.g.

  1. good scientific practice
  2. scientific presentation
  3. academic writing skills
  4. teaching

The connection to the ECTS system (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) allows the training received at the IMPRS for the Science of Human History to be compared to other programs in an international context.