Admission/enrolment (2018-2021)
A successful application is necessary for admission to the IMPRS-SHH. Doctoral researchers are usually offered an employment contract with the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology or FSU. There is a supervision agreement between every doctoral researcher and their main supervisors. This is necessary for the next step: the admission as a doctoral candidate of a “Fakultät” of FSU (see below). Each doctoral researcher has to decide from which “Fakultät” they want to receive their degree. At least one of their supervisors must belong to or be connected with this Fakultät.
Doctoral researchers apply for the admission to a particular “Fakultät” via Doc-in. Doc-in is the online registration system for doctoral candidates at FSU.
Doctoral researchers of the IMPRS-SHH can but are not required to enroll at FSU. Enrolment is not compulsory, but it offers a whole range of advantages, cf. here.