
The Faculty of the IMPRS-SHH consists of scientists from the MPI-GEA, MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology (EVA), FSU, and other institutions characterized by their scientific excellence, a research focus that aligns with the IMPRS program and the willingness to contribute actively to the program (especially to the educational formats and contents of the IMPRS training program).

The duties of the faculty include in particular the supervision of doctoral researchers. Its members collect ideas for joint projects and help to prepare calls and select new IMPRS doctoral researchers.

MPI-GEA/Department of Archaeology

MPI-EVA/Department of Archaeogenetics

MPI-EVA/Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution

MPI-GEA/Independent Research Groups

FSU/”Fakultät” of Arts

FSU/”Fakultät” of Biological Sciences

FSU/”Fakultät” of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

FSU/”Fakultät” of Mathematics and Computer Science

FSU/”Fakultät” of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Other institutions